Software   Development

The business system is what makes performance management real by providing comprehensive strategic feedback. As strategy is unique, so then are the requirements of the business system which must fit the company’s unique value proposition, if the company is to gain a competitive advantage. Since 1980, it has been our mission statement to deliver unique software solutions to meet unique requirements. Our enterprise application solutions have been developed with this in mind, and we have the experience to manage development projects so that our clients receive cost effective systems at minimal risk.

Choosing to use only standard application packages, which are available to everyone, ensures that no competitive advantage can be attained through the implementation of a business system. Standard application packages that have been designed to be mass marketed, were developed without customization in mind. If 5% of the package needs to be changed, the costs involved will typically greatly outweigh the lower purchase price. As well, after the unique changes are implemented, they will not be supported by the mass marketing company and any new releases of the software will require the unique changes to be re-installed in the new version of the software.

When software development is required, Decision Software uses an organized, common-sense process focused on delivering business solutions quickly and efficiently. Steps are taken to ensure the feasibility and business sense of a project before it is created. Co-operation and collaboration between all interested parties is obtained and then prototyping is used to make sure interested parties have a clear picture of all aspects of the system. Our documented method focuses on the delivery of the business solution.

The Decision Software and Metrics approach will ensure that
•    System is delivered on time and on budget.
•    Results of development are directly and promptly visible
•    The users are more likely to take on ownership as they are actively involved in the development of the system.
•    Because of constant feedback from the users, the system being developed is more likely to meet the needs
     it was developed for.